On Saturday 4 February 2023 the Provincial Assistant Grand Master, R.W Brother George Graham, attended the Installation Communication of Ahoghill Ancient Blue ML 704 in Ballymena Masonic Centre. The W.M, W.Brother Crawford McClintock, opened the Lodge and after conducting the initial business handed over to R.W Brother John Johnson who installed Brother Adrain Kirkpatrick as W.M. in his usual efficient …
Freemasons of Ireland Strengthen Community Impact with £75,000 Annual Support for Non-Masonic Charities in Northern Ireland
The Freemasons of Ireland Victoria Jubilee Benevolent and Welfare Fund has taken a significant step in expanding its charitable reach, announcing the first-ever support for external charities aligned with its core values. This development follows a recent restructuring of the Fund and the addition of the Maureen Boal Charitable Trust, which will enable the distribution of monies annually, beginning with …
ISLANDMAGEE 50 year medal & certificate presentation to W. Brother Paddy McDonald.
Brethren, last night was a very enjoyable evening in Islandmagee when a large crowd of Members and Guests turned up to watch Wor Bro Paddy McDonald receive his 50 year jewel and certificate to mark 50 years of service to Freemasonry in Ireland. The Lodge opened promptly at 7.45pm with Wor Bro Geoffrey Alexander in the chair, and as the …
Installation of Worshipful Master Langford Masonic Lodge 616 on Saturday 1st February 2025
The brethren from Langford masonic lodge 616 held their annual Installation communication on Saturday 1st February 2025. We were joined by the Right Worshipful Provincial Assistant Grand Master George Graham. After the meeting, the brethren and guests come together at the festive board to relax, share good food, and enjoyed each other’s company. This year wives and partners joined us …
Abbey 180 Charity Sponsored Walk
In June 2024, Abbey Lodge No. 180 held their annual sponsored walk to raise funds for the Whiteabbey Masonic Hospice Support Group (Northern Ireland Hospice) and the Lodge Widows Fund. They successfully raised a total of £780, which was evenly split between the Northern Ireland Hospice and the Lodge Widows Fund. At the January Stated Communication, the Worshipful Master W. …
Invictus 536 Installation 2025
Invictus 536 Installation night Tuesday 14th Feb 2025 at Arthur Square Belfast, where W. Brother Ian Gifford was installed as our Worshipful Master for 2025.
Local Freemasons support Community charity organisations in Lisburn
At the January meeting of Lisburn & District Masonic Charity Fund Representatives from Local Charity Organisations visited Lisburn Masonic Hall. LDMCF Chairman W.Bro Eddie Carson, handed over cheques from our fund to the visiting charities, showing our support as Freemasons, for the fantastic and valuable work they do within the Local community. Each of the charities gave a short presentation …
Bushmills 414 Entered Apprentice Degree 22-01-2025 for Philip Hartin
Bushmills 414 welcomed Bro Philip Hartin who underwent his Entered apprentice degree on the 22/01/2025. The degree was conducted by W. Bro James Ramage & W. Bro Ivan Campbell. The two conductors did a Sterling job which was conducted to a very high standard. Bro Philip Hartin said that he was “ deeply moved by the degree” Our outgoing Worshipful …
Installation of Olderfleet Lodge no 501
I am very grateful to my old friend Very Wor Bro Grahame Todd, Past Senior Grand Warden of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim and the new Almoner of Olderfleet Lodge No 501 for his kinvitation to attend the Installation ceremony of Olderfleet Lodge. Our Guest of honour last night was Right Wor Bro George M. Graham, one of the …
Installation Meeting St John’s Lodge No 330 Ballymoney
Just home from a late evening in Ballymoney at the Installation of Wor Bro Alan Callaghan, as the new Worshipful Master in The Lodge of St John No 330 Ballymoney. Our guest of honour for the evening was Right Wor Bro George Graham, who was supported by a good number of distinguished guests including a number of past and present …
Moyarget Masonic Lodge No 280 Installation
My starting point for a busy Masonic year in 2025, began with the Installation of my mother Lodge No 280 Moyarget yesterday afternoon. Our Guest of Honour was Rt Wor Bro George Graham who was delighted to see the Halll filled to capacity. Our meeting began promptly at 3.30pm under Wor Bro Stanley Stewart, our outgoing Master. He had a …