‘The Lodge is a Place of Sanctuary’. Lodge 60 Harp & Crown held their Installation of Officers on Saturday 23rd March 2024. This was a unique occasion in that the Master Elect was R.W. Brother Leslie Nixon Assistant Grand Master of the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Ireland. There was a very large attendance of lodge members and visitors. Many …
St John’s Masonic Lodge No 162 Islandmagee celebrate the excellent work done by Very Wor Bro Jim McCord
Brethren, tonight we have a rare opportunity to join with our good friend Very Wor Bro Jim McCord and celebrate his excellent work on behalf of St John’s Masonic Lodge No 162 Islandmagee in planning, organising, and executing several years of effort with his team of helpers in raising considerable sums of money within the Lodge to support their selected …
Parkgate Masonic Lodge No.776 Charity Cheque Presentation
Parkgate Masonic Lodge No.776 presented cheques of £500.00 each to the Templepatrick Community Group and Turning Point Northern Ireland (NI). The representatives from the Charities greatly appreciated the donation from the Lodge. Turning Point NI gave a brief talk explaining their work and that they are a mental health hub for those experiencing any form of mental crisis. Turning Point …
Eastern Gate Masonic Lodge No 972 Installation 2024
On Saturday 9th March 2024, Eastern Gate Masonic Lodge held it’s 2024 Installation and Dinner for our newest and youngest Worshipful Master to date. W. Brother Caleb McNaul at just 26 years of age was installed expertly by the outgoing Master W. Brother William Minford. Approximately 40 Brethren were in attendance and a fantastic day was had by all. The …
Tribute to Worshipful Brother William Taggart
Worshipful Brother William Taggart (also known as Billy) passed away peacefully on 28th December 2023 following a long illness. Billy will be remembered as a true gentleman, who typified what a freemason should be. He enjoyed a long masonic career up until a few years ago when restricted mobility and a need to care for his wife, curtailed his attendance …