Harmonie Masonic Lodge 282, held a social afternoon for Lodge Brethren their families and the Lodge Widows on Friday 24th November in the Carrickfergus Masonic Hall. A great afternoon was had by all. Kind Regards Gordon
Alfred’s Lodge 59 Annual Toy Appeal
On Monday 27th November, Alfred’s Lodge 59 W.M. W. Brother Hugh Blair, accompanied by the Lodge Secretary, W. Brother Michael Snodden and two Brothers Paul Madden and Brian Hagan, delivered a large donation of toys purchased by lodge members to Woman’s Aid who service the Antrim, Ballymena, Larne, Carrickfergus and Newtownabbey areas. The Worshipful Master, W. Brother Hugh Blair said …
St John’s 788 Cairncastle, present a cheque for £1000 to the Childrens Heartbeat Trust
The Members of St John’s 788 Cairncastle, held a Lodge BBQ and Social evening. On the night the Brethren and their families raised the fantastic sum of £1000. This was then presented to the childrens heartbeat trust for the excellent work they do working with children. Children’s Heartbeat Trust has been working since 1984 to provide practical, emotional and financial …
Tower of Lebanon 169 Celebrates Milestone Achievements with Distinguished Guests Belfast, Province of Antrim – 23rd November 2023
In a momentous occasion marked by camaraderie and a deep sense of tradition, the Tower ofLebanon 169 Masonic Lodge in Belfast proudly hosted the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge ofIreland, the Most Worshipful Brother Rodney L. McCurley, and the Assistant Provincial Grand Masterof Antrim, Right Worshipful Brother Paul Harvey. The purpose of their visit was to honour threeesteemed members …
Thiepval Memorial Masonic Lodge No. 1020 Annual Service of Remembrance
Thiepval Memorial Masonic Lodge No. 1020, held their annual service of remembrance in the Masonic Hall Broughshane. The Lodge room was filled with Brethren, many with distinctive service to their country. Distinguished Brethren including Provincial Assistant Grand Master R.W. Brother George Graham, Past Provincial Deputy Grand Master R.W. Brother Jack O Dunlop attended the meeting, and it was good to …
With deep sadness we record the passing of Bro James Huey
It is with deep sadness that we record the passing of Bro James Huey, who died at his home in the U.S.A. on Friday the 10th November 2023. Bro James joined Moyarget Masonic lodge No 280 in April 1952 and earlier this year, in April, he received his fifty-year jewel complete with 20-year bar from Rt Wor Bro John McLarnon, …
Masonic Brethren of The Six Mile Valley take part in the Annual Remembrance Service in Ballyclare
Despite the heavy rain on Sunday morning, a contingent of Brethren from Cogry, Doagh and Straid took part in the annual wreath laying ceremony in Ballyclare, laying their wreath on behalf of the Masonic Brethren of The Six Mile Valley. The ceremony was well attended with a good turn out f the general public on both sides of the Main …
Harmonie ML No. 282 Carrickfergus, Charity Cheque Presentation
The above picture shows the R.W. Provincial Assistant Grand Master, R.W. Brother Ivan Gillespie receiving a cheque from W. Brother Mark McCracken acting on behalf of the W Master V W Bro John Huston of Harmonie ML No. 282 Carrickfergus. The donation of £500.00 was made to the Provincial Grand Masters Charity AGE (NI) at their stated communication on Tuesday …