PGL Antrim – Stated Communication 15th April 2024.

Ballymena’s Man – R.W. Brother Allan Mercer. By 6.30pm the Leighinmohr House Hotel was already busy with Brethren catching up, renewing friendships & sharing old stories.  The PGM, R.W. Brother John Mc Lernon and the Provincial Assistant Grand Masters took time to mix with the Brethren chatting, listening, catching up & welcoming one & all.  All together a convivial atmosphere …

Parkgate 776 Defibrillator

Parkgate Masonic Lodge No 776 show the new defibrillator bought with the help of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim maintenance grant scheme.

Annual Arthur Square Charity Committee Breakfast

Another busy morning with a jaunt up the Ballysillan Road, Belfast to the main hall associated with Eglinton Presbyterian Church, where the Arthur Square District Masonic Charity Committee were holding their annual Charity Breakfast, raising funds for AGE NI, the Provincial Grand Master of Antrim’s selected charity this year. As usual the event kicked off at 9/00am but by the …

Lodge 96 – Stalwart. Installation of Officers 2024

On Saturday 6th April 2024, Lodge 96 held its Installation of Officers in the Ballymena Masonic Centre.  The Officers of the Lodge Distinguished guests and Brethren having assumed their places, the Worshipful Master Alister Wade offered the Maul to the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Brother John McLernon, who declined the invitation giving way to a greater authority waiting outside the …

Redhall Charity Breakfast Easter Monday

Despite the miserable weather our Brethren in Redhall Lodge No 260, Ballycarry had a massive turnout of Brethren family and friends supporting their annual Easter Monday fund raising breakfast in support of the RNLI and Hope House Respite Care Centre down at Brown’s Bay, Islandmagee. Earlier in the month they decided to increase their food provision to increase the number …