This afternoon, The Seven Towers and Massereene Masonic Charity Committee held their 64th annual divine service in Craigs Parish Church, Cullybackey. On this occasion the host Lodge was Shane’s Castle Lodge No 539 Randalstown and the service was conducted by Very Wor Brother, the Rev John McClure, Provincial Grand Chaplin of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. It was a glorious sunny Day, which sadly may have kept some Brethren away, but all in all there was a reasonable turnout from the Seven Towers and Ballymena district and further afield.
Provincial Grand Lodge was represented by three of the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters – Rt Wor Bros George Graham, Paul Harvey, and Alan Mercer. Also present was Very Wor Bro Grahame Todd Provincial Senior Grand Warden, Jonathon K. McMillan, Provincial Junior Grand Warden, and Very Wor Bro J. Russell Millar Provincial Grand Secretary. Also present for today’s service were Rt Wor Bros Jack O. Dunlop and John Edens, both Past Deputy Provincial Grand Masters of Antrim.
The District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Antrim were represented by Most Ex Companion Jon McA Pollock District Grand King, Rt Ex Companion Jim Lynch District Deputy Grand King, and Rt Ex Companion David Openshaw District Assistant Grand King. Also present was Rt Ex Companion James H. McClurg District Grand Registrar and Very Ex Companion J. Michael Alexander Grand Royal Arch Captain of The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.
Wor Bro Peter Walker, Wor Master of Shane’s Castle Lodge No 539 and Wor Bro Hugo Swan, Chairman of the Seven Towers & Massereene Charity Committee carried out the two readings and Very Wor Bro the Reverend John McClure conducted the service and gave us all a very though provoking sermon, encouraging us all to actively support the Charities, particularly those assisting people in serious need. Clearly his thoughts were well received by all present, and our collection on the day came to a total sum of £ 660.00. However those in charge of the District Charity Committee expect this amount to increase, as further donations are received from those that were unable to be with us today.
The Ladies had prepared tea and coffee, buns and biscuits, that were well received by all who stayed for the brief social hour after the service.