Quite a night down in Lodge 57 Ballymoney when Rt Wor Bro Roy Fynes received his fifty year jewel and certificate from Rt Wor Bro John McLernon, Provincial Grand Master of Antrim. The Lodge meeting began early at 7.30pm and a number of senior Brethren from The Grand Lodge of Ireland, The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland, The Grand Council of Knight Mason, The Great Priory of Ireland, and The Supreme Council 33rd Degree A & A Scottish Rite for Ireland were all present. Amongst that number were Rt Wor Bro Robert G Quigley, Rt Wor Bro Neil Coey, Rt Wor Bro George Graham, Rt Wor Bro John McA Pollock, Rt Wor Bro Tommy Young, Very Wor Bro John A Stewart, Rt Wor Bro Noel Drain and Rt Wor Bro Roy Humphries, amongst many other visitors.

I have known Roy for many years, and he is a Brother who could turn up as easily in Belfast, Londonderry, Dublin, Sligo, Galway, Limerick, or Cork, and indeed our paths have crossed frequently in years past. His Masonic adventures began fifty years to the very day, when on the 9th October 1974 he received his Entered apprentice degree in the hall in Ballymoney. In 1989 he served his first term as Maser of 57, an office that he would fill again in 2012. This however only touches on his full Masonic career to date, as amongst his many achievements which include :-
Rep of The Grand Lodge of Panama at The Grand Lodge of Ireland, Past Chief Scribe of the DGRAC of Antrim, Rep of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Canada ( Ontario ) at The Supreme Grand Chapter of Ireland, Hon Director of Ceremonies of The Grand Council of Knight Masons, Past Marshall at PPEU, Pursuivant at Arms at G Priory of Ireland and a Knight Commander of the Temple, Member of Dunluce Chapter of Prince Masons 18th Degree, Master of Ceremonies at G Chapter of Prince Masons of Ireland and a Member of the Knights of the Sun 28th Degree.

Rt Wor Bro McLernon, referred to Roy’s extensive Masonic career and congratulated him on the various achievements referred to above. In response Rt Wor Bro Roy, referred to his early days in Lodge 57 when he was greatly influenced and encourages by Brethren like the late Rt Wor Bro William Overend, Mervyn Morrison , William Hunter, and our Provincial Grand Master’s late father Rt Wor Bro Alec McLernon. Before the Lodge closed Rt Wor Bro Robert Quigley and Rt Wor Bro Neil Coey, both said a few words of congratulation to Bro Fynes, in respect of all his work in Great Priory ant The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.

Once the Lodge closed, we all adjourned next door to the Lodge social club where Iris and her staff provide an excellent buffet and cheese board for all present.
Robert Bashford