Provincial Grand Lodge meeting held in the Royal Court, Portrush last night. Good attendance of Officers and Members present to support Rt Wor Bro John McLernon, our Provincial Grand, Master throughout the meeting. Our main guest for the evening was Right Wor Bro Raymond Robinson, Provincial Grand Master of Londonderry & Donegal who was welcomed, and saluted in the normal manner.
The evening began with an Act of Remembrance, led by our Provincial Chaplains, with Wor Bro Billy Hill playing “The Last Post.” and Wor Bro Jeffrey Morrow on the pipes playing “Flowers of the Forest.” Wor Bro Billy Thompson read the Kohima Epitaph – “ When you go home, Tell them of Us and Say, For your Tomorrows, We gave our Today.”
We then moved on to the Meeting proper, and dealt with the various Minutes, Correspondence, Reports etc. in a prompt and efficient manner. Wor Bro Kenneth Harbinson of Langford Lodge No 616, Crumlin was Invested as a Provincial Grand lodge Inspector and was saluted accordingly. All the Officers as recommended at the Board of General Purposes, back at their meeting in October, were put to the meeting and approved.
Business was concluded about 8.45PM, and once the Provincial Grand Lodge closed, we all made our way safely home.
Robert Bashford