PGL Antrim – Stated Communication 26th February 2022. ‘The Future Looks Good for Freemasonry’.

PGL Antrim – Stated Communication 26th February 2022.


‘The Future Looks Good for Freemasonry’.


A positive and powerful sense of Fraternal Friendship was present & apparent at the February Stated Communication of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand of Antrim.   Some 250 brethren attended, and it was simply wonderful and uplifting to witness the joy and spirit of Brotherhood being expressed amongst the gathered brethren.


Following a memorial service to the late R.W. Brother John Dickson, the Provincial Grand Master R.W. Brother J. McLernon, proceeded to open the meeting.  Having done so, he tendered the Maul to the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Douglas T Grey.  The Grand Master accepted the Maul and occupied the chair for a short time.


In a brief address to the brethren, the Grand Master congratulated everyone on the strong attendance, and expressed his relief that hopefully the Covid pandemic is now behind us.  Referring to the Grand Masters Festival 2022, he noted that to date some €300,000 had been raised and encouraged the brethren to continue their efforts, as the fund will remain open until June 2022.


Having returned the Maul, the Provincial Grand Master welcomed brethren from near and far. Many Provinces were well represented with representatives and dignitaries from North Connaught, Londonderry & Donegal, Tyrone & Fermanagh, and Armagh.


Many present and past officers were also present, together with many representatives of Foreign Grand Lodges at the Grand Lodge of Ireland. The Grand Secretary of Instruction together with the Assistant Grand Secretary of Instruction represented the Grand Lodge of Instruction.

The main business of the day was the Installation of the Officers for 2022. The Provincial Grand Master directed the Director of Ceremonies to present the Officers, and this was done with great skill characteristic of the high standard of ceremony for which the team of DoC’s is renowned. In turn each of the Officers were proclaimed, following which certificates of past rank were presented.   Six new Provincial Grand Lodge Inspectors were also invested.


Before the meeting closed Provincial Assistant Grand Master, R.W. Brother Samuel Brennan, thanked all concerned for their efforts in making the day a success. In noting the personnel efforts of the Provincial Grand Secretary, V.W Brother Russell Millar, he asked the Brethren to show their appreciation by a round of applause, to which the brethren responded by a hearty and well deserved standing ovation.


Congratulations to all concerned.