Installation of Olderfleet Lodge no 501

I am very grateful to my old friend Very Wor Bro Grahame Todd, Past Senior Grand Warden of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim and the new  Almoner of  Olderfleet Lodge No 501 for his kinvitation to attend the Installation ceremony of Olderfleet Lodge. Our Guest of honour last night was Right Wor Bro George M. Graham, one of the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. As you will see from the  pictures there was a good turnout of Lodge Members and Guests.  One of the highlights of any visit to a Larne Lodge is the musical accompaniment provided by Rt Wor Bro Norman Carmichael, whose musical abilities add to such to the activities in Lodge, and last night was no exception.

Tonight was an interesting Installation where the son – Wor Bro Jonathan Knox Installed his father – Wor Bro Drew Knox,  a past Master, who was being Installed to serve as Worshipful Master of Olderfleet Lodge No  501 in 2025-6. Drew then went on to Install his officers in a confident and competent manner. And then, once business was concluded we took a few group photographs which can be seen below. One other well known member of this Lodge Wor Bro Marty McToal, was in fact celebrating his birthday yesterday, on the day of the Installation. As I am not good with big numbers, I will let you all guess, for yourselves Marty’s current age. As always, Marty has risen to the occasion, and in acknowledgement to the birth of Wor Bro Robert Burns on the 25th January 1759, he laid on an interesting starter last night– Haggis Bon Bons on a crispy salad with a Drambuie citrus dressing.

We continued with the Scottish theme and a local piper piped in the Worshipful Master and Rt Wor Bro George Graham. Shortly thereafter, another old friend Wor Bro George Fekkes retired, and was piped back into the Dining Room with a steaming haggis, a sharp knife, and a big spoon.  George carried out an excellent, word perfect “Address to the Haggis,” which caught the spirit of the evening and was well received by all present. In return the Piper and He had an opportunity to enjoy some misspelt Whisky before he returned to his seat. The Piper, he made his way out, came via our table and began playing Happy Birthday on the pipes for Wor Bro Marty McToal. Once he started, everyone present joined in and sang Happy Birthday to an equally surprised Marty McToal. And thanks to our new Master, Wor Bro Drew Knox, we all got an Irish Coffee to finish the meal.   As always, the meal was excellent and thanks to our new Master, Wor Bro Drew Knox, we all got an Irish Coffee to finish the meal.

On this occasion I responded to the Grand Lodge toast and then Rt Wor Bro Graham gave a comprehensive report on Provincial Grand Lodge and their activities to date. He covered many areas of interest to the Brethren and was well received by all present.  The usual speeches  were delivered on The Wor Master,  The Visiting Brethren, The Masonic Charities etc, before the formal part of the evening concluded with the National Anthem.

Rt Wor Bro Robert Bashford