Installation Meeting of Larne Lodge No 41 I.C

On the 4th February 1796 Bros Henry Hamill, Thomas Forrest and Stephen Ferguson from Larne were granted Warrant No 825 to hold a Lodge in Larne. For  many years, this Lodge held its meetings in the various public houses around Larne. Like many other Irish Lodges in the early 19th century 825 applied to Grand Lodge in 1825 for a higher Lodge number and were issued with Warrant No 41 in exchange for their old 825 Warrant. Their Minute book for the period 1805 – 1825 had been sent up to Rosemary Street in the 1960’s for safe-keeping.

The new Warrant No 41 was issued on the 16th August 1825 to Bros John McCalmont, Brice McMurtry and David Shannon. It was not until 1895 that they adopted the title Larne Lodge, which has been in use ever since. The Lodge has continued to grow, progress, and indeed play its part at Provincial and Grand Lodge right up to the present time.

Last nightwork Bro McWilliams conducted an excellent Installed Masters Degree on Bro C. Hamilton and Installed him in the Chair of Larne 41. Bro Hamilton had clearly taken advantage of the Larne Class of Instruction and Invested his Officers in an efficient and word perfect manner, much to the delight of all present. Our Guest of Honour, for the evening was Very Wor Bro J. Russell Millar  Grand Steward of The Grand Lodge of Ireland. As usual Bro Marty McToal and his catering team provided an excellent meal up in the Dining Room in The Larne Masonic Centre, where we all enjoyed good food, liquid refreshment, and good company for the rest of the evening.

In our last couple of photos, you will see the 1825 Warrant for Lodge 41 complete with its original Walking Frame, which used to be carried in front of the Worshipful Master when the Lodge marched to and from the two annual St John’s Day services every year up until the 1870’s. And the last photo is from the new Past Masters Crest now used on the WM jewels presented to all those Brethren who have occupied the Chair in 41.

Robert Bashford