Carnlough Blue Lodge No 216 Closing Night

Our old friends in Carnlough Blue Lodge No 216 held their Closing Night meeting last night, which attracted some fifty number members and guests into their packed Lodge Room. Our guest of honour for the occasion was Right Wor Bro George Graham, Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim. George is also The Most Excellent Assistant Grand King of The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland. The Lodge was opened promptly at 8.00pm by their current Master Wor Bro Noel Kerr, who was assisted throughout the meeting  by Wor Bro Andrew Beattie, Lodge Secretary.

As you will see from the photos below, we had a good turnout of Foreign Grand Representatives and past & present members of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim present along with the other guests. I was particularly pleased to see Wor Bro Robert McKay restored to good health and with us last night. Salutes were given to the distinguished guests and then we went on to the Minutes and other parts of the evenings meeting.  As usual, for a Closing Night, the business was light and Lodge Closed just after 9.00pm.

Then we all got changed and made our way across to The Twilight Coffee & Bunkhouse, for refreshment. All of our liquid refreshment was provided by the Lodge and then we received an excellent buffet provided by Patrick and the other staff, working that evening. All in all it was a great relaxing and enjoyable evening spent in the company of friends old and new.

Much news was discussed, including some interest from the farming community on the forthcoming Islandmagee Tractor Run, organised by the Brethren of St John’s Masonic Lodge No 162  Islandmagee, as a fund raiser for some of their local charities.  The event takes place this evening the 21st June 2024. Families will gather at the Gobbins Community Centre from  5.30pm onwards and the tractors will leave from the Centre at 8.00pm for a circuit of the Island. As this is the longest day today, all our farming friends will have enough light to see what their neighbours are doing in their fields as they pass by.  Some interest was expressed that one of our Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, Rt Wor Bro Sam Brennan, may well lead the parade in ( some say ) his new Lamborghini Tractor.  I however would tend to take this more as a possibility than a definite fact.

I can only say, that as the month of June has progressed, our many Lodge Closing nights have become more relaxed as the nights have passed. It was very enjoyable to catch up with our neighbours at the seaside. Indeed one Brother present last night will shortly be heading off to Australia to take up his position in the Merchant Navy, where he will spend some time cruising in the Indian and Pacific oceans. Wonderful what you learn when you are out and about, of an evening.

 Robert T. Bashford