Ballintoy Masonic Lodge No 38 held a remarkable meeting last night, when they presented three number 50 year jewels and certificates and then presented a further three number 60 year bars to a number of their long serving Brethren. Amazingly all six recipients were present, looking healthy and well for their age and received their certificates from Rt. Wor. Bro John McLernon Provincial Grand Master of Antrim assisted by Rt Wor Bro George Graham one of our Assistant Provincial Grand Masters in The Masonic Province of Antrim. However, before we reached that stage in the proceedings the Lodge Secretary Wor Bro Edwin Henry, produced one of the older Lodge Minute books and read the entry for the Ballintoy Lodge meeting held on the 2nd October 1924. There were, of course a few variations from our working today, but most of the Minute would still be valid from our meetings at the present time.

Amongst our 50 year recipients last night were Rt Wor Bro John Elliott, Rt Wor Bro John McCurdy, and Wor Bro Robert Matthews, and then Wor Bro Sandy McMullan, Wor Bro Herbie Steward and Wor Bro William J. McCaw received their 60 year certificates and bars. And as our Rt Wor Assistant Provincial Grand Master pointed out, that between these six Brethren, Lodge 38 in Ballintoy had received some 353 years of service to Irish Freemasonry. Once the remainder of the Lodge business was complete, the Lodge closed in Peace, Love and Harmony, until their next Stated meeting in November 2024.

We then got the six recipients all seated with the rest of the Brethren gathered around so that a few photographs could be taken to record this remarkable occasion. And once that task was completed, we all went downstairs to enjoy an excellent buffet provided by a couple of the Ladies. An enjoyable evening was had by all, and eventually, we all made our way homewards.
Robert Bashford