This morning the Worshipful Master of Alfred’s Lodge 59, W. Brother Colin Beckinsale accompanied by W. Brother Hugh Blair and the Lodge Secretary W. Brother Michael Snodden handed over the lodges annual gifts to the Woman’s Aid toy appeal, in discussions with the Charity, the lodge for 2025 will take a different direction, rather than toys, vouchers will be purchased …
Northern Ireland Masonic Ulster Fry Association, Straid Masonic Breakfast Club along with the Belfast Masonic Charities donated over 100 plus toys to Mission Christmas
NIMUFA (Northern Ireland Masonic Ulster Fry Association), Straid Masonic Breakfast Club along with the Belfast Masonic Charities donated over 100 plus toys to Mission Christmas, this was the second year by the group to get involved with Mission Christmas 🎄 we would like to thank all Masons who donated to this very worthy cause. Kind regards W. Brother Paul Williamson
Annual Christmas Fund – Raiser for Children at The Straid Breakfast Club
This morning we had our last Straid breakfast for 2024 and celebrated it by wearing our Christmas Jumpers, it was also our last chance to donate to the Cash for Kids Christmas Appeal. What a great result with over a 100 toys being donated by Masons who attend the Breakfast at Straid Hall from around the province. The toys will …
Six Mile Valley Masonic Carol Servive in St Bride’s Church, Doagh
Brethren, we are now in those final few days before the arrival of Christmas, and preparations are well underway for the Big Day. Tonight the Six Mile Valley District Masonic Charity Committee held their Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols in Saint Bride’s Church in the Parish of Kilbride. This beautiful old church with its Christmas Tree lit up …
Return of Warrant 711 Richview in Whiteabbey, last night.
Another cold and frosty evening, as I made my way up to the Whiteabbey Masonic Centre to join with the Brethren of Richview Masonic Lodge No 711 and their guests for their final meeting and the return of their Warrant after some 77 years’ service to the Masonic Order in Ireland. There were many present from The Masonic Old Boys …
Bushmills Royal Blue Mesonic 414 Christmas meeting
Photo’s of the lodge members and Visitors, such as the Provincial Assistant Grand Master, R.W. Brother Paul Harvey attended our meeting. All in all another great night and a lovely festive board…
Annual Christmas Party St John;s Masonic Lodge No 162, Islandmagee
photos of the damage at Ballylumford. The old station, now closed survived intact and sadly, the new station took the damage. I made good time down the Browns Bay Road, arriving at the Islandmagee Hall, as the final preparations were completed. I was met with a nice warm glass of non-alcoholic mulled wine, which was very tasty indeed. The downstairs …
Christmas Breakfast at Cairncastle Masonic Hall
Clearly, despite all the rain and storms, Christmas is very much underway. As I left the Bushfoot Golf Course, I watched some hearty souls setting off in their all weather kit for a brief outing. On the way up to my next venue I passed a number of flooded roads, fallen trees, roots and all, a single decker bus, on …
Handover of the Cary & Dunluce Masonic Charity Committee Cheques at Bushfoot Golf club.
Another very cold and stormy morning down in Portballintrae, as we all made our way to the Bushfoot Golf club, for the cheque presentation ceremony, as the Cary & Dunluce Masonic Charity donated their cheques to the various charities concerned. Amongst those present were Rt Wor Bro George Graham Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Antrim supported by a large number of members from …
Moyarget Masonic Lodge No 280
Brethren, we in Moyarget Masonic Lodge No 280 enjoyed a relaxing and enjoyable evening last night at our Stated December meeting. Our only visitor was Wor Bro Jason Craig, our Provincial Grand Lodge Inspector, who had travelled up from Portrush to join us on the night. Our business was a little lighter than usual, but our Worshipful Master, Wor Bro …
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