Doagh Union Masonic Lodge 317 Trip to Dublin

A DAY OUT IN DUBLIN On the 26th October the day dawned bright, Doagh Union 317 set forth in delight. With hearts full of laughter and spirits so high, To venture to Dublin beneath the clear blue sky. In the Grand Lodge Room, a meeting was held, With David Stewart, our Master, so well-spelled. He led us in unity, with …

St John’s Lodge No 162 Afternoon Tea

The team at St John’s Lodge No 162 held an Afternoon Tea down in the hall in Islandmagee on the afternoon of the 12th October 2024. As usual the arrangements had been put together by Very Wor Bro Jim McCord, who with his team, had put together an afternoon of entertainment for their Lodge Members, Families, Friends, and Guests, to raise …

Sale of Jewels at the PGLA Office Templepatrick

An early start yesterday morning, to get up to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim headquarters in Templepatrick, where the planned sale of old Craft WM jewels was planned to start at 10.00 AM that morning.  I arrived up about 20 to 10.00 and was surprised to see the number of vehicles in the carpark. The Brethren began to assemble …

Kilwaughter ML 762 50 Year Jewel and Certificate Presentation

A presentation of 50 a year jewel and certificate was made at an Emergency Communication of Kilwaughter Masonic Lodge No 762 to W. Brother Brian Agnew in the Larne Masonic Centre on Saturday 28 September. The presentation was made by R.W. Brother Samuel Brennan, Provincial Assistant Grand Master. A Festive Board was held immediately after the Communication and a most …