At our September meeting we had the great honour to present TWO FIFTY YEAR JEWELS to Wor. Bro. Alan Nicholl (on the left) and Wor. Bro. Jackie Crawford (on the right), both great attenders of our lodge. The presentations were made special by us having the attendance of Rt. Wor. Bro. Paul Harvey, Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Antrim. Not …

Crumlin Royal Blue Masonic Lodge 140 Fifty Year Jewel Presentations

Sometimes you get one, possibly two but tonight the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Brother John McLernon had the pleasure of presenting three 50 year Jewels. At the stated communication of Crumlin Royal Blue 140, Brother Trevor Brown, W. Brother David Best and W. Brother Cecil Crawford where presented with their 50 year Jewels and Certificates. This is a fantastic achievement …