Summer Closure of the Provincial Office

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim’s Office will close at 3pm on Thursday 27th June and will re-open on Monday 5th August 2024. The email system will be monitored and any URGENT communications answered.

Fisherwick Lodge of Installed Masters No 505, Doagh annual Lodge Installation

My thanks are due to Right Wor Bro John Edens for his invitation to join with the Brethren of Fisherwick Lodge of Installed Masters No 505, Doagh at their annual Lodge Installation held last night in their Hall. On this occasion we were joined by Rt Wor Bro Sam Brennan, Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Masonic Province of Antrim, …

Moyarget Lodge No 280 Closing meeting

Last night it was our turn in Moyarget Lodge No 280 to hold our Closing meeting in the company of a goodly number of our members and guests. Our Worshipful Master Stanley Stewart, was just home from a successful visit to The Isle of Man TT week, where his motorcycle team Stanley Stewart Racing had a good week.  Our Guest …

Broomhedge M.L. 335 Donate £4500.00 to MacMillan Cancer Support

On Saturday 30th March 2024 we had a visit at Broomhedge Masonic Hall… Emma Bannon Friendship Fundraising Manager from MacMillan Cancer Support, gave a talk on the work of the charity in Northern Ireland. She was presented a Cheque from last year’s WM Matthew Gray for £4,500 being the fundraising total from his term in office in 2023

Clough Lodge No 574 50 Year Jewel Presentations

On Monday night past, the Brethren of Clough Lodge No 574 had a very special Lodge meeting when they acknowledged the long service given by two of their most distinguished Brethren, Wor Bro John Stewart and Wor Bro W. Thomas Young. There was a large attendance of Lodge members and visitors present, to mark the occasion and their guest of …

W. Brother Jean-Pierre Ventura 50 Year jewel Presentation

At the May Communication of Andrew Henderson ML 512 the Rt Wor Provincial Assistant Grand Master, Rt Wor Bro Samuel Brennan presented a 50yr jewel & Certificate to W.Bro Jean-Pierre Ventura  Jean-Pierre; was Initiated into Zion Masonic Lodge 700          on       06.12.1974                                                                                       Passed on   07.02.1975                                                                                       Raised on    07.03.1975 He was Worshipful Master of Zion …

Cary & Dunluce Masonic Charity Committee Church Service

The final Craft Charity service run by the Cary & Dunluce Masonic Charity Committee, under the auspices of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim.  Our guest of honour today was Rt Wor Bro John  S. McLernon, Provincial Grand Master of Antrim, accompanied by Rt Wor Bro Sam Brennan and Alan Mercer, two of the current Assistant Grand Masters of Antrim. …