Installation Ceremony of Moyarget Masonic Lodge No 280

We enjoyed a great night of Friendship and Fellowship last night at the Installation Ceremony of Moyarget Masonic Lodge No 280 I.C. Our meeting began promptly at 3.00pm in the Hall at Moyarget with some 75 Brethren and Guests in attendance including Rt Wor Bro John S. McLernon Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim,  three Foreign …

Straid held an unscheduled breakfast on Saturday the 30th December

Our friends in Straid held an unscheduled breakfast on Saturday the 30th December to bring 2023 to a relaxing and enjoyable conclusion. It was an enjoyable day, with a good attendance, when we all had the opportunity for  some chatting and lively discussion between friends and neighbours. The one major announcement on the day was their intention to run a …

The Masonic Old Boys Xmas lunch

50 former pupils of The Masonic Boys School, Dublin reunited for a Christmas lunch in The Royal North of Ireland Yacht Club, Cultra on Friday 8th Dec’23. Although the school closed in 1980,the ,the old boys continue to grow. They travelled from Scotland , England, Dublin and most counties between Cork & Londonderry with many meeting up again for the …

Andrew Henderson Masonic Lodge No 512 M.M. Certificate Presentation

The R.W. Provincial Assistant Grand Master – R.W. Bro Paul Harvey presented Brother Stephen Lusty with his Master Masons Certificate. W. Brother T F Clyde, W. Master 512 – Brother Stephen Lusty – W. Brother Simon Lusty (a very proud father) & R.W. Brother Paul Harvey Provincial Assistant Grand Master. W. Brother Simon Lusty played a very active role in …

Straid Christmas Breakfast

Brethren, many people, members, and non-members spend a lot of their time and energy trying to work out what Freemasonry is actually about. They fret over secret societies, world domination, mysterious symbols, and our relations with religion. And really, all they need do, and you, as well is to come along to a Masonic breakfast in Straid and join with …